
Major Programs

G.R.O.W. is a program that focuses on Career Readiness Salary, Negotiation Skills, Interview Readiness, Mock Interviews from Tech Recruiters, Resume Building Skills and So Much More

The TransTech Summit aims to provide attendees with the tools to bolster their existing careers, interact with new media technology, network with other LGBTQIA+ people, learn new skills, and access additional training tools.

Membership Programs

Member Skill Share

If you’ve ever attended our Summit you know that our members are incredibly talented. Now we’re giving our members more opportunities to learn and share what they’ve learned with the community. We’re hosting monthly virtual workshops designed by our members, for our members. We believe in having our members see themselves on the learning side and the teaching side; a space where representation matters in order to truly excel. 

Themes of the month are chosen based on the topics of proposals submitted, as well as the areas of focus most pertinent to our member base. 

Discord Server

Also available to members is our Discord Server. In addition to conversing with other members, we have a #jobs channel. There are always new opportunities being posted. Some recent companies that we’ve shared listings for are JP Morgan Chase, Apple, and Red Hat! The invite link can be found, in the membership portal.

Learning Library

All of our members gain access to our library of educational video content. This includes all presentations from past Summit events and past Member Skill Share presentations. There are over 100 videos on a wide range of topics, including:

  • Starting a career in tech
  • Project management
  • Cybersecurity
  • Accessibility Design
  • Virtual public speaking

All at zero cost

Remember, all of the above and new opportunities are available to our members for free! Join today to access these programs and resources, and participate in our online community. Signing up is quick and easy: